Winter Solstice Candle Walk Fire Circle

Be still and know… 
She sleeps, 
As the moon reflects the softened light of the sun down upon her,  
And the cloak of darkness drapes over her hills, 
She waits for the return of the sun king.
She sleeps,
For in three days he returns,
And the darkness gives way to the light
And, slowly, she begins to wake…..

•We will gather at 5:00pm at Rainbow Hills for a candlelight walk up the hill for sunset.  At the hilltop circle, we will sing our songs, and then descend for a fire drum circle and potluck.  

•Please bring: A dish to share, your own plate and utensils, instruments and warm clothing.  Candles will be available, but if you have your own candle lantern please bring it.